2d 3d Shapes and Mesurment.

Today we have created two DLOS about and we have definied the 2D and 3D shapes, and also created a seperate DLO on measurement. This was quite the challenge seeing as our group were pretty lost during the meausrement unit, yet we pulled through and managed to pull a DLO together.

Me and my group enjoyed this task alot, and found it challenging yet educating, it helped me with identifying the difference between 2D and 3D shapes and also find the formula for calculating the area of a circle. Personally, I found this challenge hard, but I’m glad I managed to to do it because it helped me understand more about maths.



For cybersmart we learned about Mis/Disinformation.

Xavier and I had to figure out if the people who posted the photos just wanted money, to damage their reputation or get support for their team.

We did some example ones to understand what we are suppose to do. One was a fake post about a man who made a traffic because there was a Pikachu that he wanted to catch.

The reason why this is fake is because he wanted to get money, by making a site where they get money when someone goes into their site.

Xavier and I thought this was interesting and made us really think and, had to investigate the post further to find out if it was just for money, to damage their reputation or get support for their team.

Reading for enjoyment

Today i have been reading till 30 July to 12 to August. Im showing my Dlo of how much i have been reading for. We have been putting our minutes in for how many times we have been reading for. Did you know reading for enjoyment can strengthen understanding of words. If you read for 20 minutes for the school year that means you have readed 1,00000 words. If you read for 5 minutes that means that make you read 900,0000 words. if you read for 1 minute that means yo u have been reading 8,0000 words. That really good because this make you understand the word it will mean if it in a book so that mean it can strengthen your understand.

This activity can help me read and strengthen my understanding of words.

pod cast

Link to recording

We were doing a screen recording to tell about a podcast. We recorded about a argument about what was positive and what was negitive about medie. We had to talk about what happend in the 1980 and what hapend today.

First we were listing to a squids kidz pod cast and we had to listen. Our first task was to see what was in the photo and what media they were using. When we spotted it we had to say we use it or see it.



LI: to determine our prior knowledge of celebrations. 

This week we were looking at celebrations and what we already understand about them. We know that there are different types of celebrations that different people acknowledge and participate in. 

Next we were writing about a celebration of our priorknowledge  what we know about the clebration. We could not reserch anything about the celebration we just had to write what we knew about it.

I found this activity cool because I was writing about what i knew about a celebration and what it was about.

Venn Diagram

LI: To list the similarities and differences as you can between the two texts

Our task here was to compare the similarities and differences between the same story told from two different perspectives. We read The 3 Pigs and The True story of the 3 pigs. The first text was told from the pig’s perspective and the second story was written from the perspective of the wolf.


Something I found interesting was how differently the story was shown from the perspectives. The pigs story made the wolf look bad and the true pig story made the pigs look mean.

Who is at Fault?

LI: To make an informed opinion

This week we have been learning about bias. Bias can be objective which means not influenced by other people’s opinions and strongly representing one side of the argument or subjective which means getting influenced by past experiences.  We looked at the same story from different perspectives. A perspective is a person viewpoint.  After reading and summarising both texts we thought about and talked about the facts to help us make an informed opinion.


Our group found this interesting  because we could see both sides of the argument which gave good statements about their experience. Which made it difficult to choose who was at fault.

Something we found interesting was that each story changed the way we look at the characters.

RFE holiday challenge

Day 1 task #2
Today my challenge was to draw a picture of a character from a book I’ve read.The source I used to draw this picture was google draw. Also, the character I used was Dogman by Dav Pikey. One of his more popular books is The Adventures Of Captain Underpants.

Creative sports challenge

LI:To create a new sport challenge/game for the class to play using our prior knowledge

Our group has been working on a game called “Twice Bat”, Twice Bat is quite similar to T-ball in some ways, like you have to run around in an upside down triangle until you get home, if you get home in under 8 seconds without stopping you get 40 points, (the winning point is 100).
Some of the rules of the game are,
There can only be 6 people in each team.
Both of the batters must hit the ball at the same time.
The runner can only run once.
We found this activity, team building and quite fun overall because, we got to get creative and use our imaginations in such a different way.